2010 Workshop: Papers and Presentations
The 5th international Workshop on Public-Private Dialogue was held on June 1-2-3, 2010, in Vienna, Austria. The 2010 workshop took stock of recent developments in PPD knowledge, discussed specific PPD cases, explored critical PPD related topics, and helped build capacity to effectively manage and monitor a PPD process. It was co-sponsored by the PPD practice group of the World Bank Group’s Investment Climate Department and the Department’s Vienna Office, which is dedicating some of its Investment Generation activities towards promoting PPD processes and advocacy mechanisms globally.
Participating were 80 representatives of business forums, investors’ councils, and competitiveness partnerships from
both the public and private sectors, as well as development partners, from 20 countries.
Specific themes that were explored during the 3-day PPD workshop: How do PPDs relate to clusters and competitiveness initiatives related to how do PPDs address gender issues, what are the steps to PPD transition strategies, how to manage communication around PPDs, and what are the most effective ways of measuring and monitoring progress.
Below are the papers, case studies and presentations delivered by the presenters. Photos of the workshop participants can be found in the PPD Facebook club
PPD the past five years, the next five years (ppt, 4,182kb)
Benjamin Herzberg, Senior Private Sector Development Specialist, PPD Global Product Leader, World Bank Group
PPD for Sector Competitiveness (ppt, 1,268kb)
Uriel Levy, Consultant, PPD Global Product Team, World Bank Group; Amy Wares, Consultant, PPD Global Product Team, World Bank Group; and Benjamin Herzberg, Senior Private Sector Development Specialist, PPD Global Product Leader, World Bank Group
Gender and PPD (ppt, 1,155kb)
Malcolm Toland, Consultant, PPD Global Product Team, World Bank Group; Sevi Simavi, Operations Officer, Gender and Investment Climate Global Product Leader, World Bank Group; and Shihab Ansari Azhar, Stakeholder Engagement Analyst, BICF, IFC Bangladesh, PPD Global Product Team
PPD Transition Strategies - Lessons Learned (ppt, 1,863kb)
Uriel Levy, Consultant, PPD Global Product Team, World Bank Group
The Lao Business Forum Transition (ppt, 1,308kb)
H.E Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, Vice Minister, Ministry of Planning and Industry, Laos; and Oudet Souvannavong, Vice President, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
M&E for PPD
The Four M&E tools for PPD (ppt, 1,577kb)
Malcolm Toland, Consultant, PPD Global Product Team, World Bank Group
Communicating your PPD: Practices and Strategies (ppt, 2,687kb)
Shihab Ansari Azhar, Stakeholder Engagement Analyst, BICF, IFC Bangladesh, PPD Global Product Team
PPD Action Plans Vs. Reality (ppt, 1,947kb)
James Brew, Consultant, PPD Global Product Team, World Bank Group
AUSTRIA: How PPD works for sector competitiveness in Austria: the case of the Upper Austria Automotive Cluster
The Upper Austria Automotive Cluster
The Automotive Cluster (AC) is an inter-branch network consisting of companies and R&D bodies working in the field of road vehicles. These are defined as being cars, trucks, special vehicles and motorcycles. Cluster activities are aimed at supporting and strengthening the competence of partner companies along the entire value added chain.
Cluster and Network Activities in Upper Austria & Automotive Cluster Upper Austria (pdf, 1,743kb)
Thomas Eder, Manager Automotive Cluster, Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH
Fronius International GmbH
Fronius International GmbH is an international company established in Austria by Günter Fronius in 1945 in Pettenbach, initially dedicated to the production of battery chargers and welding transformers. The company has since entered the field of solar electronics production. The company, world-renowned for its research and innovation in manufacturing and solar technologies, employs over 2800 people worldwide, and is an active participant to the Upper Austria Automotive Cluster initiative.
Cluster benefits for the private sector of the automotive industry (pdf, 991kb)
Ing. Thomas Eder, Fronius International GmbH, Global Customer Management
The Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
The Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences is one of the leading Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences. It uses the Upper Austria Cluster initiative to offer internationally recognized, well-established, practice-oriented education at university level, in close cooperation with the private sector.
Benefits of the Automotive Cluster PPD on Innovation (ppt, 510kb)
Daniel Heim, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
Recent Developments in Public Private Dialogue in Bangladesh (doc, 155kb)
Shihab Ansari Azhar, Stakeholder Engagement Analyst, Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (BICF)
Private Public Dialogue
in Bosnia And Herzegovina (doc, 153kb)
Sabina Dervisefendic, Investment Generation Team BiH, World Bank Group
Le dialogue public/privé au Burkina Faso (doc, 128kb)
Inoussa Ouedraogo, Macroéconomiste, IFC
The Cameroon Business Forum (CBF) (doc, 145kb)
Moise Ekedi Endene, Permanent Secretary of CBF
Private Sector Led Reform: Advocating for a Better Business Environment in Egypt (doc, 318kb)
Hisham El Attal is the president of Egyptian Traders Company; Marwan El Sammak, General Manager of Medlevant Shipping Company, Worms Group Company and agent of Hapag Lloyd Container Line; and Maha Hussein, investment climate Associate Operations Officer, IFC
Dialogue Public/Privé en Haïti (doc, 145kb)
Nahomme DORVIL, Vice-President de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie d’Haïti (CCIH)
Public-Private Dialogue in Automotive Clusters in India and South Africa (doc, 185kb)
Natascha Weisert, Industrial Development Officer, Clusters and Business Linkages Unit, Business Investment and Technology Services Branch, UNIDO; and Riccardo Mesiano, Program Officer, India field office, UNIDO
Private Public Dialogue in Kenya (doc, 165kb)
Emmanuel Lubembe; Sarah Ochieng, Programme Coordinator, Private Sector Development, Public Service Transformation, Office of the Prime Minister; and Carole Kariuki, CEO, Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Lao Business Forum: Transitioning for a sustainable future (doc, 603kb)
Thipphaphone Vongsay, Project Officer for the Lao Business Forum project, IFC Mekong Investment Climate Advisory Program
Private Public Dialogue in Malawi (doc, 156kb)
Mathews Chikankheni, President of Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Chief Executive Officer, Dulux Malawi Limited; and Chancellor Kaferapanjira, Chief Executive Officer, Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Private Public Dialogue in MOzambique (doc, 468kb)
Orlando da Conceição, Executive Director of the Confederation of Mozambican Business Associations (CTA)
The Nepal Business Forum - Commencement of PPD Process at the Sub-national Level (doc, 146kb)
Irina Niederberger, Investment Climate Program Manager, SEDF, IFC – Advisory Services in South Asia
Case Study of the Business Environment Network (BEN) – Nigeria (doc, 244kb)
Dr. Luca Crudeli, Programme Manager, DFID – ENABLE program; and Adenike Kazalma-Mantey, Government Portfolio Manager, DFID - ENABLE program
The Sierra Leone Business Forum (SLBF) (doc, 469kb)
Franklyn Williams, Deputy Director, SLBF
Private Public Dialogue in the Republic of Tajikistan (doc, 155kb)
Davlataly Saidov, Executive Secretary of the Consultative Council for improvement of investment climate under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan - Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan; and Zafar Khotamov, Head of the Secretariat of the Consultative Council for improvement of investment climate under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Private Public Dialogue in Timor-Leste (doc, 147kb)
Milissa Day, BBI Facilitator, Associate Operations Officer, IFC; Bernardo Dos Reis, BBI Operations Analyst, IFC; Vicente “Maubosi” Ximenes, Vice Chair of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) (doc, 149kb)
Dr. Do Nhat Hoang, Director General, Foreign Investment Administration , Ministry of Planning and Investment; Lien Anh Pham, Operations Officer, IFC